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Functional Health Transformation

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Get to the ROOT CAUSE of your Health Concerns.

Through a detailed analysis of your current lifestyle, health concerns, and using comprehensive lab testing, we create a wellness program specific to YOUR body and goals.


The clients who do best with us are:

  • Highly motivated and committed in playing an active role in their health.

  • Want to reach their optimal level of health, so they can feel their best, increase energy and productivity, and have confidence in their body.

  • Use functional medicine lab testing for identifying underlying cause, rather than just suppressing symptoms with medication.

  • Are willing to make the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes to support health and well-being.

The Details

Step One:

Speak with a Health Advisor about your goals, struggles and health concerns (hormone imbalance, gut health, auto-immunity, any and all women's health topics.

Step Two:
In-Depth Testing

Extensive lab work and customized testing done on your schedule.  You will get a complete picture of your health, including inflammation biomarkers, gut health, food sensitivities, genetic testing and hormone testing.

Step Three:
Customized Analysis

A thorough review of your test results and medical history by Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Lindsey VanSchoyck to devise a personalized plan customized to your unique needs.

Step Four:
Personalized Treatment Plan

A comprehensive plan including nutrition, exercise and lifestyle adapting to address the root cause of your health issues. With guidance and focus on inflammation reduction, hormonal balance, gut health and sustainable weight loss.

Step Five:
Coaching and Support

Ongoing coaching and support for the entirety of the program. Access to additional lab testing mid-program to see progress, and updates to your plan. Access to a private community of woman also on the same journey.

Step Six:
Personal Development

A thorough review of your test results and medical history by Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Lindsey VanSchoyck to devise a personalized plan customized to your unique needs.

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